Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kendra's Birthday in April

Hey I decide to blog after reading all the wonderful blogs everyone has posted. I was very overwhelmed in tears when I read Natalie's, Bryan's and Dad's blog to their dads.
I realize that the picture I have added to my blog is from a couple months ago. But I decide that it would be nice to have her picture be one of our first pictures on our blog.
I am not the best writer but I will do my best on the blog. Also we don't know yet what we are having, the babies didn't want us to know yet. We will let you know in a couple weeks.


Trina said...

I'm so glad you started one. I just did too so everyone could keep in touch with us. Hope everything is going good for you!

Lonna said...

Good job Heidi! It's nice to let friend and family know what is going on. Makes it easy!

the Cheerful Optimist said...

Success, what a great picture. Keep up the good work. Now we need to get Mom to blog. Love Dad

Princess Lisa said...

Welcome to the blogging world!!!

Jessica said...

Heidi, I didn't know that you were expecting. Congratulations. I am glad that I found your blog. Kendra is growing up, how fast that happens. Jessica Rowley